Saturday, March 28, 2009

InstantRails - we have a winner!

Wow. InstantRails was an easy install. And, it seems to work. Finally!
  • Ruby
  • gem
  • Rails
  • rake
  • mysql
  • phpmyadmin
  • SciTE, the editor
  • other stuff, I'm sure.
Interesting. InstantRails provides the ability to start a console window. But, it is sh(), not bash(). Odd, these days. But, you can start bash(). Just type "bash". Can bash() be configured as the default? Can't "exec bash". exec() is not available.

Is MySQL always this fragile on XP? Always this failure prone? It was a show stopper. I really wanted to work in the Cygwin environment. Since I'm from the Unix/Linux world, Cygwin is a very good thing.

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